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tv   The Early Show  CBS  November 11, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning. the latest cbs news poll shows herman cain is still the gop presidential leader in spite of harassment charges. perry turns to letterman. >> you try concentrating with mitt romney smiling at you. that's one handsome dude. >> newt gingrich is gaining momentum. we'll talk to him as he gets ready for the debate in south carolina. >> the fallout continues in penn state this morning. the assistant coach is being held from saturday's game after receiving multiple threats. we'll bring you the latest on that and tell you why texas officials are poeb opening their own investigation. >> and all aboard for basketball. after playing a major role in burying osama bin laden at sea, the aircraft carrier carl vinson
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is getting ready for basketball the aircraft carrier carl vinson is getting ready for basketball right on the flight deck. captioning funded by cbs another beautiful sunrise here on a friday morning. good morning. welcome to "the early show." i'm chris wragge. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. erica is off this morning. >> good to have you here. let's begin with the republican presidential race where herman cain is going strong according to a new scbs news new york tims poll out this morning. 15% for both mitt romney and gingrich. >> one time front runner rick perry is far behind with just 8%. jan crawford is in spartanburg, south carolina, with the latest on the race. good morning, jan. >> reporter: good morning. republicans will be here tomorrow night for their next debate hosted by cbs news and the national journal. all eyes undoubtedly will be on
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rick perry who stumbled big time in the debate wednesday night. people will be looking at herman cain who's been fighting off allegations of sexual harassment for more than a week. now in our poll we asked voters whether the allegations would affect their vote. 30% said they are less likely fou to vote for cain, but 65% said it wouldn't make a difference or they would be more likely to vote for cain. [ applause ] >> reporter: battling sexual harassment allegations, herman cain tried to reassure michigan supporters he's still going strong. >> over the last couple of weeks, i have been through hell. [ cheers ] >> now here's the good news. >> you're on your way out. >> it didn't kill me or slow us down one bit. >> reporter: cain said he's the victim of a smear campaign. in wednesday night's debate the
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audience hissed when a reporter raised the issue. >> we have learned you have been accused of inappropriate behavior. [ booing ] >> reporter: the sentiment was the same in michigan. >> he seems honest and true, even in light of what's been going on this week. >> reporter: the campaign says the money is still coming in. $9 million in the past month, a quarter of that in the last ten days. some of the heat in the next debate will be off cain following a huge gaffe by governor perry wednesday. >> the third agency of government i would do away with the education, the uh, um -- >> commerce. >> commerce. and let's see. >> oh, my. >> i can't. the third one, i can't. sorry. oops. >> reporter: perry's been in full spin mode since then, trying to use the mistake to poke fun at himself. >> number two -- >> i want to help take the heat off my buddy herman cain.
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>> okay. >> reporter: perry has been trying to excuse his poor performances in all the debates by saying, you know, he's not slick. he's not a smooth debater, but he's plummeted in the polls since he got in the race. he was at the top. now he's in single digits. 8% in our poll, rebecca. >> jan crawford in spartanburg, south carolina. thanks. looking ahead to tomorrow night's debate is national journal congressional correspondent major garrett. he'll moderate the event. great to have you here. >> good to be with you. >> jan said cain and perry are grabbing the headlines. when you look at the cbs news poll the person in the group pulling ahead, gaining momentum is neither of them. it's newt gingrich. >> former speaker gingrich doubled his support in the last month fantastic. if i were to predict who's going to come out aggressively in the
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national security, foreign policy debate that's an important part of looking at the debate. yes, it's the 10th but to my mind it's the first and only one dedicated entirely to national security and foreign policy. the previous debates focused on the u.s. economy. but every candidate on the platform knows once you become president, the second you take the oath, foreign policy, national security become preeminent concerns. we're going to try to find out what the candidates think about a wide variety of issues. i expect newt gingrich to be well prepared, to bring his a-game, if you will. i think a lot of voter wills look at what cain, perry and romney have to say about the issues. >> mitt romney was the perceived frontrunner at the start of this. now he's neck and neck with gingrich. is he looking vulnerable here? what does he have to do in tomorrow's debate in order to re-establish himself as the frontrunner? >> mitt romney has been the same
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candidate all the way through -- slow and steady. if you look at the poll data jan talked about, 70% or more of republican primary caucus voters haven't made up their mind. romney mass been around for a long time. some would say they have been evaluating him for nearly five years and they are not sold. foreign policy, national security, an issue he hasn't talked about a lot. he talked about it in the campaign in 2008. we'll bring up those comments to governor perry. but i think all of the candidates will have a unique opportunity to distinguish themselves on an issue most voters haven't heard. that applies across the board. rick santorum, michele bachmann. they can say what they would do differently from president obama. >> major garrett, thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> one of the contenders saturday night is newt gingrich.
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as you saw our poll shows him up with the front runners in the race. he joins us from manchester, new hampshire. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> you're moving in the right direction. we showed a moment ago our new cbs news poll has you climbing at 15%, tied with governor romney just behind herman cain. a few months ago when you had the campaign shake-up with your staff people wrote you off. what do you credit the resurgence to? >> first of all, it's great to be back in contention and i'm grateful to the voters who are supporting me. substance really matters. if you go to to see all the different things in the 21st century contract with america it's probably the most substantive campaign in history. people are worried about jobs, the economy, the deficit. you could not have timed your debate tomorrow night better
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than the week the report comes out on iran, nuclear weapons and the different things going on around the world, the challenges with greece, italy and the economy. i think people are looking for a serious potential president because they see the issues as being so very serious to their own lives. >> with your campaign and with all the debates we have seen so far we have talked about jobs and the economy. with this debate focused solely on foreign policy this is right in your wheelhouse. do you see it as a prime opportunity? you talk about good timing, especially with the poll numbers out this morning, can you show the american people you are most prepared to be commander in chief over the others on stage with you? >> i think people have to make that judgment themselves. i'm the only candidate who's been working with the u.s. army since 1979, the longest serving teacher in the senior military for one and two-star generals and admirals.
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i have a background in that area. but i think for the country it's good that you're hosting the debate on foreign policy and national security because as was mentioned earlier, these are much bigger issues. this isn't a governor's race. this is the presidency. when you start thinking about worldwide national security, economic security issues, the question of american sovereignty in a world where a lot of other countries would like to entangle us in their laws which are very often different from the american constitution, there are some really big issues at stake. i think people will watch and try to think differently because when you think about these things you have a different yardstick for president than domestic policy. >> those issues will be brought to light on saturday of course. i want to get back to the poll out this morning for a moment. herman cain is still at the top of the list but his numbers are eroding down from 25% on october 25 down to 18% now. the sexual harassment claims, do
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you think that he has done a sufficient enough job of explaining to the american people exactly what has gone on here? >> well, i think he's been answering each charge as it comes up. it depends on whether or not there are more charges. he admitted if there are more charges he'll have to answer them. it's a fact of life. up to now he seems to have satisfied most people that the allegations aren't proven and that having people who hold press conferences isn't the same as conviction. so i think people are giving him the benefit of the doubt. i have known herman a long time. he's a very attractive, articulate person. he's bold in his ideas and i think people admire that kind of boldness. the big thing i take from the poll is this is a wide open race. >> yep. >> any of the candidates could make a surge and be in better shape. >> still 17% undecided in the poll as well. rick perry's debate performance on wednesday. he's trying to make light of it,
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going on "the late show with david letterman" last night. you poked fun at him yesterday in detroit. how uncomfortable was it on stage when that was going down? >> it was very uncomfortable. i like rick perry a lot. i wrote the foreword to his last book. the thing that makes it uncomfortable is any of us could have it happen. i'm a pretty good debater. i had moments where i couldn't remember a name, a fact or something. i can imagine doing that in front of the whole country. i don't think any of us took happiness or glee from it. we all felt uncomfortable for rick. we also felt there but for the grace of god goes me. we're cautious to jump to judgment on that. >> you never know when it snakebite you. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> you can watch the republican
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presidential primary debate tomorrow another 8:00 eastern time/7:00 central on cbs. should be a good one. first time the economy takes a back seat and we talk foreign policy. >> a new and different conversation. now to the latest on the sex scandal that's rocked happy valley. tomorrow more than a hundred thousand football fans will descend on penn state for the final home game of the season. it will be a different event than fans expected a week ago. >> we have a look at a college town traumatized by scandal and now violence. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. it's gotten very cold in state college, pennsylvania. that's a metaphor as the winds of change continue to blow through the penn state community. >> for the first time in 60 years, coach paterno will not be coaching saturday's game. >> reporter: as the end of the joe paterno era began to sink in
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at penn state his temporary replacement tom bradley took center stage. saddened but resolute. >> i take this job with mixed emotions. coach paterno has meant more to me than anybody except my father. >> reporter: one of bradley's first decisions, what to do about assistant coach mike mcqueary who has been under fire for not doing more than just telling paterno in 2002 that he witnessed jerry sandusky naked in the locker room shower with a boy who was about 10 years old. >> that will be a game time decision. >> reporter: late thursday the university announced that he will not coach or attend tomorrow's game because of multiple threats against him in what will undoubtedly be a cauldron of emotion. penn state plays its final home game of the season against nebraska before more than 100,000 nittany lion fans. >> the message is clear. let's show them what penn state
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is all about. >> reporter: paterno remained out of the public eye inside his home. a group of assistant coaches visiting him early in the day. that was it. students still expressing anger that joepa wasn't granted one more glorious afternoon in the stadium. >> they couldn't let him finish his last game. i don't think it's right. >> reporter: tom corbett had a different take. he said the decision to fire a larger than life coach reaches far beyond a man and a game. >> we must keep in mind when it comes to the safety of children, there can be no margin for error. no hesitation to act. >> reporter: a candlelight vigil is set for campus tonight around 9:30 p.m. in support of now the alleged nine victims in this horrific sex scandal abuse case, chris. >> there is talk this morning that the investigation is now expanding to other states where penn state traveled when
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sandusky was a coach. >> reporter: yes. in the texas area, san antonio, the police department has said and confirmed they are looking into allegations of possible sexual abuse by sandusky during the 1999 alamo bowl. if you look at the grand jury presentation, the 23-page presentation, the victim is identified in that case as victim number 4. to put it mildly, there were multiple incidents of alleged sexual assault by sandusky on that young boy. >> thank you. a reminder, in our next half hour a lawyer for hundreds of child sex abuse victims will look at the serious legal issues facing penn state in the coming weeks and months now. >> here's terrell brown at the news desk with a first look at the other headlines. >> good morning. it is veterans day, the day we honor men and women who serve in uniform. this is the memorial ampitheatre at arlington national cemetery.
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a ceremony will be held here. veterans got a special salute from congress. there is a bill to help unemployed vets. there are 850,000 veterans out of work. some 240,000 from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it awards tax credits to companies that hire disabled vets who have been out of work at least six months. the deal has counseling and training programs. the house is expected to approve the bill next week. a mortgage settlement has been reached between u.s. service members and bank of america. they will pay $20 million to 160 service members whose homes were illegally foreclosed while they served our country. this year's thanksgiving dinner will cost more than last year. the average cost to make a traditional turkey meal with all the trimmings for then people is about $49.20. that's up 13%, almost $6 higher than last year. the biggest price jump is for
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the main course. $21.57 for a 16-pound turkey. about 4% more this year. if you love to eat like me it well, still ahead this morning there has never been a game like this. michigan state and north carolina playing hoops on an aircraft carrier. >> we'll speak with the sailors on the carl vinson making history once again. this is "the early show" on cbs.
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♪ one is the loneliest number >> say you put two ones together. what do you get? >> 11. >> right. simple math right here on "the early show." >> or two. i'm not the business correspondent. it's 11/11/11. coming up, why a lot of people are getting married today while others are afraid of bad times coming. remember the millennium? total meltdown. >> hiding under the desk. >> this is "the early show" on cbs. hide your water. we'll be right back. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. it's santa. .. [ mom ] i thought i heard reindeer. mom... i mean, mrs. nelson, i have the perfect gift for you. he must've gotten my letter.
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it is a fall friday, bottom of the hour here on "the early show." welcome back, everyone. i'm chris wragge along with rebecca jarvis. >> good morning. >> erica hill is off this morning. did you notice the date? >> 11/11/11. >> we talked about some people hunkering down. erica is hunkered down in a tent now in central park. >> with a flashlight. >> chill out. it's not that bad. >> we're kidding. >> lots going on. some people getting married but some people think it's the end of the world. >> i didn't realize there was any significance to the date but some people do. we'll look at why this unique date in history has a lot of people acting stranger than usual. >> don't go crazy, folks. first the scandal at penn state that cost joe paterno his job could turn into a long legal fight. the suspect, jerry sandusky, and the others who may have known about the crimes. >> penn state's legal troubles
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are just starting. joining us is attorney mitchell garabedian who has won millions of dollars in settlements with bottom's roman catholic archdiocese. great to have you with us. obviously this is a case that we continue to get new details on every day. in the break we were discussing, you're saying this is just the beginning. how widespread do you think it is? >> this is enormous. this is the tip of the sexual abuse iceberg. you have children at a very young age reporting this, but the accounts, children have come forward over the course of 15 years. they will be coming forward for decades. individuals who have been sexually molested have coping skills that allow them to come forward when it's time. individuals will come forward and then they are 40, 50, 60 to report this abuse. recently an 86-year-old man contacted me and said he was carrying around abuse and was time to do something.
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>> i'm sure you have experienced this. once a few come forward, more are compelled to come forward? it takes time but opens up? >> once a victim comes forward it empowers others to come forward. they feel encouraged, empowered and as though they are not alone. victims of sexual abuse feel alone, like they are the only ones it happened to. they feel isolated, embarrassed, ashamed even though they shouldn't like in the catholic cases. once one victim comes forward they feel empowered. >> strength in numbers. >> what do you do with the information then among the victims? should they file their own civil cases? and do you expect they will be filing them against the university? >> victims should be going to the police department and reporting these crimes. don't go to the university. it's a kangaroo court in and of itself. go to the police department. go to your therapist. file civil claims, if you can. obviously penn state failed in
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the biggest game of its life. don't go to penn state. >> with them firing their head coach joe paterno who is a college football icon, a massive figure on a number of different levels, is the university sending the message that we are trying to isolate ourselves from potential civil cases down the line by firing everybody involved with the situation? >> it's spin control. they are trying to control their image. they want to look good. this is what institutions do in these sorts of cases. they distance themselves from all the participants, from all the supervisors who knew. from the perpetrator and they act as though -- well, we did the best we could. we got rid of everybody. let's move on with life. maybe 10, 20, 30, 50 years down the line this will be fine. >> when you read the grand jury report it becomes a question of who knew what when. mike mcqueary is coming out because of what he saw. in your view is he criminally
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liable here? >> there is potential. i have to look behind the facts of the grand jury report. there is a potential. that's why he's not speaking. he doesn't want to contradict anything he said in the grand jury report at this time. >> victims who are sitting home, watching this unfold do you think they feel a little bit like, you know what? this is a joe paterno thing, a college football thing. what about us? >> exactly. penn state is talking about themselves and not talking about the victims. it's all about the victims. you hit the nail on the head. they are sitting there saying, again, they have made it about themselves just like the catholic church paed it about themselves. why aren't they bringing us into the fold, having educational classes, reaching out to us? they are not doing so because it's all about penn state. it's all about money and power. it's all about self-preservation for penn state. >> we'll see. they are in self-preservation mode.
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thank you for taking the time to talk with us. >> thank you. >> terrell brown has another check of the news headlines. >> to politics now. a poll released this morning on the presidential race shows newt gingrich is gaining ground. herman cain holds the top spot. 15% said they would vote for gingrich now tied with romney. rick perry is in fourth place. perry in full damage control mode after the gaffe during wednesday's debate. last night he was on "late show with david letterman" and did the top ten excuses for not being able to remember. >> there were three reasons i messed up. one was the nerves and two was the headache and three -- um -- um -- oops. >> michele bachmann was interrupt bid anti-wall street
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protesters yesterday. >> american consumers, for instance -- >> mike check! >> mike check. >> mike check. >> mike check. >> this will only take a minute. >> this will only take a minute. >> she resumed her speech after the demonstrators left. you can watch the cbs news national journal republican debate tomorrow at 8:00 eastern
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coming up next on this veterans day, 7,000 people will be on an aircraft carrier watching basketball. >> we'll tell you why the location was chosen for this unusual matchup. this is "the early show" on cbs. for the veterans who protect our freedoms working with today's va i can use my license anywhere in the u.s. in the city or the wide open spaces it's amazing how you can grow as a doctor a nurse a pharmacist you grow as a person it's the quality of care our veterans deserve this is what i'm called to do. hellmann's and holiday leftovers
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you are looking at a youtube video which shows an amazing transformation. workers are turning the flight desk dec of an aircraft carrier into a basketball arena. >> better hope the ball doesn't go out of bounds. >> hopefully you have a lot of balls to play with. >> the aircraft carrier took osama bin laden to his burial at sea. it's a different scene today and bill whitaker has the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris and rebecca. the carl vinson is an incredible ship. it's more than a thousand feet long with more than 5,000 sailors and airmen. it was the first to launch air strikes during operation enduring freedom, the first to respond to the haitian earthquake. today another first. let's call it first in fun. this is what the flight deck of the u.s. aircraft carrier carl
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vinson usually looks like -- a beehive of flames and patriotism. it was from this deck that osama bin laden was buried at sea. this is the carl vinson today. the flight deck transformed into a polished, floating basketball court with seating for 7,000 where this evening in the shadow of downtown san diego, a first of a kind event. number one university of north carolina plays michigan state, a rematch of the 2009 ncaa championship. that game won by unc. the winner this time, the crew of the carl vinson. >> we all can't believe this is actually happening. >> reporter: ship serviceman jason petty. >> now that we're here the goose bumps are popping up. everybody can't wait for the popcorn to come out. we're excited. >> reporter: excited about the game, excited that basketball fan in chief president barack obama will be on board. navy man and basketball fan petty can't believe his eyes.
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this flight deck -- >> it's dangerous. >> very dangerous. in wartime this is a place where you can easily die. >> reporter: but today -- >> we get to enjoy ourselves. >> reporter: service officer tammy lariman was first in line for a ticket. are there bets going on on this ship? >> not allowed in the military, sir. >> reporter: not a one? >> nope. never. >> reporter: an indelible memory for the crew and incredible experience for college players. unc's john henson. >> they're fans of us and we're fans of us. they want to know what we do, we want to know what they do. it's cool. >> reporter: a world away from what this crew did on deployment. they were part of the effort to kill osama bin laden, yet no one on this ship is boastful. that was huge. the whole country was paying attention to what you guys did. that was a big deal. >> it is for everybody. but it is a job that we do every day. when called upon we'll do it again. >> reporter: michigan state
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forward dramon green. >> we can say we are playing for the military, but they are putting their lives on the line for us every day. >> reporter: remember serviceman petty, this is his special day. he gets to watch michigan state star draymond green play on his ship. after 18 years in the navy, he's reenlisting today in front of president barack obama. >> my biggest wish or hope would be to see the president. he's our inspiration. these are the people that lead us to where we want to go. >> reporter: chris and rebecca, it's all fun and games today. very soon, in the next few weeks, this ship and this crew will be deployed once again to do what their country asks of them. back to you. >> some of our bravest. good that they are getting a break, bill. great story. looking forward to the game. up next, it's a day that won't happen again for a hundred
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years. 11/11/11. >> we'll tell you why it's important up next on "the early show." oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. chase slate with blueprint helps you save money on life's little surprises. trip...lets... start your path to saving today, call 855-get-slate.
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well, today is not just another november 11th. this is really big. today is 11/11/11. >> that's huge. huge. there is a lot of hype over that because 11 is a lucky number for a lot of people. others believe it is a sign of doom. we got a number of different opinions about this special date. >> 11/11/11. we will be married. >> yeah. >> 11/11/11 is an incredibly popular wedding date. >> we just thought it sounded like a great date, like something we'd never forget, something that felt special. >> when 11 comes up fanywhere it's a master number. now you have 11 three times and three times 11 is 33. three and three is six which represents the heart. >> astrologers don't take numerology into account. we only take where the planets are. on 11/11/11, i mentioned that
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there is a golden triangle in the sky linking jupiter, mars and pluto. people can't help but think there must be something special about the date 11/11/11. >> once you go online and ask google 11/11, what does it mean, people are going to start telling you. it's going to get weird and creepy. >> scientists call this apophenia. >> the applying of significance to random data. so it's thinking things mean something whether they mean something or not. or as i like to call it, the stock market. >> it's a perfect palindrome. you can read it the same backwards, forwards and when you multiply 11 times 11 you get another palindrome, 121. >> a horror movie 11/11/11 comes out on 11/11/11. it's a horror movie taking advantage of the scary things that may happen on 11/11/11. >> on this day, innocent blood will spill. >> it's the same forwards and
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backwards so a portal opens to another world and one can walk through this way or that way. >> i think it's hype. however it's fun. >> i think it's a spectacular date. >> an added boost of luck. >> in astrology we realize time goes through our fingers. mark the moment. remember certain days. have fun with it. and be creative. >> i had no idea. >> yeah. you had the opportunity, too, instead of putting your wedding off you could have moved it up a couple of months. >> doom or fabulousness? which do you decide? >> still ahead, south carolina and jobs. it's on everyone's mind into the gop debate tomorrow. we'll look at it when we come back. what am i thankful for? being the star of this feast.
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who else is so, fruity, sweet and colorful. who's this turkey? edible arrangements bouquets beautiful like flowers, but unforgettably delicious. visit, call, or go to hellmann's and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious hellmann's. make it real. make it different. real delicious hellmann's. sears big veterans day sale is this friday and saturday. get an extra 15% off clothing with your savings pass. save 50-60% and more on mattresses shop early preview thursday. real deals. real savings. sears.
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prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out.
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top of the hour. welcome back to "the early show," everyone. i'm chris wragge along with rebecca jarvis. coming up as we honor american men and women on this veterans day. it's also armistice day. we'll take you to london for that coming up. >> and later, we are getting into the christmas spirit right here on "the early show" with the macy's believe campaign. part of that is new technology helping make wishes come true for children. we'll show you how the old story "yes, virginia, there is a santa claus" is coming alive for a new generation of kids. >> first a look at the debate presented by cbs news and the national journal. one of the key issues for voters in the campaign is job creation. >> some people there say the obama administration's policies are standing in their way and
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political correspondent jan crawford is back with us at the debate site in spartanburg, south carolina, with more. >> good morning. when this dream liner goes into full production it is estimated 11,000 new jobs will be created at the factory and at spin-off businesses. but it's a ruling by the national labor relations board to move this plant goes into effect, many people won't be working at all. >> you're welcome. enjoy it. >> reporter: it's lunchtime in north charleston, south carolina. opened just three months ago this local restaurant owes its success to boeing whose dreamliner plant is less than a mile away. >> when they opened i saw an immediate increase in business. you could see it across the board. >> reporter: manager stephanie o'rourke estimates as much as 20% of her business comes from the plant's 1,000 new employees, a number expected to increase fourfold when the plant starts
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churning out airplanes next year. >> they are always in their shirts with the dreamliner logo on it. >> reporter: o'rourke's dream and that of tens of thousands of others here might be short-lived. a prounion ruling by the national labor relss board could force the aerospace company to leave town. the ruling angered state lawmakers. >> not only are they putting jobs in jeopardy in south carolina, but they are putting jobs in jeopardy across america at a time we need jobs desperately. >> reporter: according to union representatives, the jobs already exist in washington state and the company shouldn't be allowed to move them. >> the problem is those jobs will be taken out of everett, washington. those employees need those jobs, too. >> reporter: the ruling says boeing can't move the factory from washington to south carolina because south carolina has laws that make it difficult to form. they are helping the state attract business. >> south carolina has got the
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right idea. we need president obama and the nlrb to get off our back so we can do business. >> reporter: a bill is now before the senate for workers like o'rourke keeping jobs in south carolina where the unemployment rate stands at 11% is at the top of everyone's mind. >> definitely lost jobs is the big fear if anyone's going to talk about anything. >> reporter: as you can imagine job creation is of course really important to south carolina voters like it is to voters across the country. polls show the economy is the most important issue for voters and a majority of voters don't approve of how president obama is handling the economy. this issue republicans believe is a good one for them. chris? >> jan, good piece. i want to ask you about the debate tomorrow. we spoke with newt gingrich earlier in the broadcast to talk about his rising poll numbers by virtue of our poll out this morning. this debate is focused on foreign policy.
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how can it help newt gingrich? >> in his interview with you, chris, he set a high bar for himself. he said this is not a governor's debate. it's a president's debate. he emphasized his experience dealing with foreign policy issues when he was speaker of the house. i think he expects going into the debate to own it. i suspect based on his past performances and command of the issue he'll do well tomorrow night. voters like newt gingrich in the debate. tomorrow is a big opportunity for him to continue building on the support our poll shows continues to grow. >> jan, how about perry? coming into this debate he's really undermined himself. the polls show it, as did his performance on wednesday night. foreign policy is not his strong suit. is there concern among his campaign over him faltering again tomorrow night? >> well, talk about the flip side to newt gingrich. i think perry has set not a high bar but a low bar. they have expectations low for him. based on that performance
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wednesday night it's hard to see how he could do worse tomorrow night. tomorrow night, people aren't expecting a lot from rick perry. he's got nowhere to go but up. but foreign policy is not his strong suit. it could be a real challenge for him. and the problem also for him is that voters are starting to make up their minds. when they see him in the debates they are not confident on what he's saying. so tomorrow night could be a challenge in that regard. >> we'll look forward to it. jan crawford in spartanburg, south carolina, for us. thank you. and you can watch the cbs news national journal republican debate tomorrow night 8:00 eastern/7:00 central right here on cbs. and we rejoin terrell brown at the news desk with another check of the headlines. >> good morning. a bill to help unemployed vets was passed by the senate yesterday 95-0. they will award tax credits to businesses that hire disabled vets who have been job hunting for at least six months. there are 850,000 unemployed
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veterans in the country. 240,000 serve in iraq and afghanist afghanistan. the house is expected to pass it next week. u.s. army sergeant calvin gibbs has been sentenced to life in prison for war atrocities. he was found guilty of murdering unarmed afghan civilians for sport and cutting off their fingers for trophies. he's the highest ranking of five soldiers charged in the deaths. penn state's assistant coach mike mcqueary will not be on the sidelines tomorrow. in 2002 he told joe paterno he saw jerry sandusky molesting a child. neither called police. the penn state board of directors will appoint a committee to investigate the scandal. new video of the deadly earthquake in eastern turkey. it shows shaking and a large cloud of dust moving through the area. the death toll from the quake has reached 19. an under water volcano off the
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canary islands is royaling the atlantic ocean. the volcano is releasing toxic gases. it is not believed to cause a threat to nearby residents. this morning as we remember our veterans the people of britain are marking an important anniversary honoring all the nation's war dead.
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>> armistice day is similar to our memorial day in the united states. correspondent charlie d'agata reports from london. >> reporter: every year on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month all across britain, people stop, pause and reflect for two minutes in silence to honor those killed in war. it marks the moment the armistice was signed and guns fell silent bringing to an end world war i in 1918. armistice day has come to mourn the loss of british soldiers and their allies i colluding hundreds of thousands of americans in every war since. britain's last remaining soldier of world war i private harry patch passed away in 2009. he lived to 111. throughout his long life, he said war was never the answer.
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>> reporter: when he died there was a sense the country lost a vital hold on the past people were determined never to forget. there was one enduring symbol of remembrance you see everywhere this time of year. it goes back to world war i. it's the poppy. it's worn by everyone from school children to celebrities, politicians to royalty. poppies were one of the few things to survive on the battlefields of northern france. their bright red color brought comfort and hope to the soldiers fighting there. do you know why you are wearing the poppy today? >> um, to remember all the people who gave their lives for us to keep us in peace. >> reporter: on the eve of this year's commemorations, the 385th british soldier to be killed in afghanistan made his final journey home. a potent reminder, if any were
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needed, the lives lost in the line of duty. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. >> yes, charlie d'agata reporting. >> we remember. >> of course. this veterans day in the states all our men and women in uniform, thank you for your service. it's amazing what these men, women of all ages do. up next, we look at your health questions. everything from gall stones to stress in your life. >> and we'll have answers for you when we come back. this is "the early show" on cbs. ! there it is. ah! hurry up. you're heavy. are you sure these letters will get to santa? yes, of course. hold still. almost there. a little bit higher. i can't hold you up much longer. ah! whoa! [ all giggle ] ♪ hi, fellas. hi, virginia. why are you on the floor? [ female announcer ] bring your letter to santa into macy's and we'll donate to the make-a-wish® foundation. together, we'll collect a million reasons to believe.
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[ snoring ] [ clears throat ] hop to, gang. it's showtime. uh, do you know this guy? i'm not gonna cry, am i? only if you don't believe in the power of friendship. really? you guys are good. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. that's so cute, it's stupid. i've been so looking forward to this. when my asthma symptoms returned, my doctor prescribed dulera to help prevent them. [ male announcer ] dulera is for patients 12 and older whose asthma is not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. dulera will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. dulera helps significantly improve lung function. this was shown over a 6 month clinical study. dulera contains formoterol, which increases the risk of death from asthma problems
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and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. dulera is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled your doctor will decide if you can stop dulera and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take dulera more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if dulera can help you breathe easier. ♪ has focused on making the best-tasting... sour cream for over four generations. it's made with farm-fresh cream that's 100% natural. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ do-do a dollop of daisy if you sleep in your contact lenses. lucky for you, air optix brand has a lens approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear. [ male announcer ] that's why they're recommended most for people who sleep in their lenses. visit for a free one-month trial offer.
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on this morning's healthwatch, ask it early. we get to answer your questions. >> dr. holly phillips is here to help this morning. ready for this, doc? >> absolutely. let's go for it. >> our first question comes from kevin. take a listen. >> hi. my question is does coffee
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actually dehydrate you? >> so, doc, does coffee rehydrate you? >> it's a controversial topic. we used to think any amount of caffeine called diuresis so you urinate more often and get dehydrated. symptoms are headache, dry mouth, dry skin and tierdness. last year the institute of medicine said it takes between five and seven cups of coffee to cause dehydration. i experience it after two cups, but i'm not -- >> i have tested that five to seven theory. it works. >> you should stay hydrated either way if you're having caffeine. >> facebook, we have a question from sally. other than surgery, what are the treatment options for gall stones? >> good question. gall stones are small, pebble-like substances that build up in the gallbladder, a small organ in the right upper
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quadrant of the abdomen right under the liver. gall stones can be treated without surgery. there is a treatment called lithotripsy where we try to use ultrasound to break up the stones. there is a chem. tall to dissolve the stones. by far the safest, most effective treatment is surgery. it's extremely minimally invasive. just a couple of incisions. most people go home the same day. >> what causes it? >> there are a number of causes. some of the stones are cholesterol stones which can be from people who have high cholesterol. others are bilirubin stones. diet plays a role. >> final question is from facebook as well. shawna asks, with the state of the economy, what's the best way to fight anxiety? it's hard to turn off the stress and the gym isn't helping! >> you know what? it seems like stress is at
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epidemic proportions. i see patients in the office. i say, so, how's it going? everyone goes like this. [ sighs ] >> well. everybody is stressed. the first technique is acceptance. remember that there are things we cannot change and we have to live with. the economy being one of them. of course in addition -- it's a good thing he's working out but in addition to working out, relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga are important. sleep is important. it helps fight off stress and prevents immune problems, even cancer. finally, socialize. we are all in this together. so try not to have lunch alone at your desk if you can get out and talk to other people, you will see we are all stressed. maybe that will lower some of it. >> it's the living in limbo. you say to accept what you can't do but there is limbo and no one has the ultimate control over what will happen to them. >> i agree.
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it's easier said than done when you say, just accept that we can't do anything about it. it is important. you know, psychiatrists look at how we can choose not to bottle up the emotions and just accepting, well, we've got to live with this now. >> what does it say about society that they have to go to a doctor's office in order to relax? if that's where you take your deep breath, that's a problem. >> nothing wrong with doctor's offices, chris. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a magical moment for kid at macy's believe station. >> we'll be right back. >> announcer: cbs healthwatch sponsored by breathe right. it's your right to breathe right. and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed & turned... i even vaporized! and then i fought back: with drug-free breathe right advanced. these nasal strips instantly opened my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better!
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[ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right... get two free strips at hey, it's your right to breathe right! get two free strips at hot deals are stacking up at the petsmart veteran's day sale. save $10 on select purina® pro plan shredded blends dog food and look for $5 holiday bonus bucks offers. wednesday through tuesday only! at petsmart®.
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look at that. a little fire in the background. nice job. >> perfect. sets the mood. >> virginia wrote to the new york sun asking, is there a
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santa claus? to this day the answer, yes, virginia, there is a santa claus, reminds us of love and generosity. >> macy's believe campaign is sharing the message through technology which brings virginia and her friends to live. debbye turner bell checked it out. >> give me a bill big smile. say "merry christmas"! >> merry christmas. >> we want to experiment with technology. we try to bring something new to the believe campaign. >> reporter: this season it's the believe-o-magic app where kids pose with their favorite characters. it's a new technology where fantasy and technology come together. all you need is an ipad or android to get it going. >> we launched the application. here are the characters you can choose from. we have chosen charlotte. we just line up the camera with the markers. we want charlotte to stand still so we touch her belly and take
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the shot. >> put your arm around charlotte. there we are. >> once you have taken the photo what are the possibilities? >> endless. upload it to your facebook page. you can send it as an e-mail and you can make cards. >> reporter: for these kids it's a magical experience. >> what do you think about that? >> cool. >> that's cool. >> you have the character right there next to you. >> and you don't even see the character. >> reporter: while the believe-o-magic app is the latest addition to macy's believe station, one tradition remains. >> i love you. love olivia. >> reporter: what do you think santa will think about the letter? >> he's going to love it. >> reporter: i think so, too. for every letter written to santa, macy's donates a dollar to the make-a-wish foundation. how do you feel that your letter will help a sick child? >> it feels good. i really want to help so they
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get better. >> reporter: this season, macy's is mixing old fashioned letter writing with new technology to make wishes for all come true. what does christmas mean to you, sydney? >> it's about sharing, having fun and caring. >> reporter: do you believe? >> i believe. >> everybody has to believe. come on. >> believe. it's a good message. >> everyone is encouraged to drop by a macy's believe station to test out the believe-oh-magic and write a letter to santa. macy has so far collected more than 22,000 letters. >> that's a lot. also the macy's celebrity tree auction. learn more about it on our website, >> yes, there is a santa claus. still ahead, baby boomers ready to change our world by not re
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state farm. this is jessica.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm.
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a little early to be skating but if you want to be in the olympics, you have ice and central park, start early. welcome back to "the early show." >> happy friday. >> all right. i'm chris wragge along with rebecca jarvis. guess wo will be on in the next half hour snm i don't know. tell me. >> curt loder. he's a movie reviewer with a sharp pen ready to strike out at bad movies. if you have a movie that stinks -- >> he'll tell you. >> we'll talk about the movies
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he liex and doesn't and why he's so fascinated with nick cage now. >> the first of the baby boomers turns 65 this year, the traditional retirement age. you won't believe how many of them say they are not ready or able to quit working. we'll also tell you what to think about financially if you intend to keep working after 65 which so many of us are thinking about. >> first on this veterans day we want to show you a special group of vets that have gone from the battlefield to the ice rink. >> whit johnson has the story of a team of wounded warriors recovering by playing a game they love. >> reporter: it's not your typical friday night hockey game. the team in white is georgia washington university. but take a closer look and you will notice something unique about the guys in blue. >> every time i walk it's fake leg, fake leg, fake leg. when i skate it's glide, glide,
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glide. so it's liberating and almost like an equalizer. >> reporter: army captain mark little is a double amputee, the result of an advanced roadside bomb while serving in iraq four years ago. he plays left winger, standing up for the usa warriors. >> it feels as if i have been armored up now! >> we have guys missing parts, missing eyes, with metal body parts, all because they went out to do what the public needed them to do to defend the country. >> reporter: we first caught up with the warriors at a practice in laurel, maryland. the 40 players, all wounded vets, meet once a week. >> take that touch pass and go in. >> reporter: running drills and scrimmaging. >> you can see the confidence grow. >> absolutely. >> reporter: army staff sergeant drew hill fell out of a blackhawk while coming under enemy fire in afghanistan. as he recovered from a broken back and other injuries he founded the program in twoup. he's launched a second team in
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minnesota and hopes to create more across the country. >> you break them out of a shell, make them experience who they were, not what happened to them. >> reporter: why ice hockey? >> ice hockey itself is an aggressive sport. you look at our job in the military, it's aggressive, contact. this is the closest we can get to a battlefield. the best thing is if you're here digging for a puck, digging for the aggression of it, you're not feeling pain. you're worried about getting the puck. >> reporter: the program is a therapeutic experience that helps wounded warriors transition from military to civilian lives. some of their wounds you can see. some you can't. here on the ice, none of that matters. >> what was the hardest part of lack of depth perception and my equilibrium was very unstable. >> reporter: this army sergeant lost his right eye and suffered facial injuries in baghdad in 2008. he was sent to walter reed for
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rehab. >> were you improving, getting better? >> i hit a plateau. i had gotten come flay play sent with it, bored. it wasn't pushing myself anymore. i felt i had gotten to a point where i was never going to get any better than that. >> reporter: then he heard about the warriors. >> the first couple months i was doing it, i was probably one of the worst hockey players in history. >> reporter: not anymore. josh, who played when he was younger, is now competing with college teams like george washington and george mason. on this night g.w. beat the warriors 9-6. but each time these vets take the ice, it's a victory. >> one, two, three -- >> warriors! >> reporter: whit johnson, cbs news, laurel, maryland. >> such a great program. even wounded vets who cannot walk have a place on the usa war yors. as sled skaters they play hockey using sort of a wheelchair on blades. >> next up is terrell brown at
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the news desk with a check of the headlines. good morning. >> good to see you guys. in the latest cbs news poll in the race for the republican nomination it finds newt gingrich is making a move. herman cain has the top spot with 18% of the vote. 15% of voters asked said they would vote for gingrich who is now tied with mitt romney for second place. gingrich told chris voters want substance and will pay attention to the debate on foreign policy. >> this isn't a governor's race. this is the presidency. when you think about worldwide national security, economic security issues, the question of american sovereignty in a world where a lot of other countries would like to entangle us in their laws which are very often different than the american constitution, there are some really big issues at stake. >> you can watch the cbs news national journal republican presidential primary debate tomorrow night, 8:00 eastern, 7:00 central here on cbs. italian prime minister
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berlusconi may resign tomorrow after the approval of an economic reform bill. the former european commissioner took part in the vote. he is expected to replace berlusconi as interim prime minister. in oakland, california, last night a man was shot and killed outside the anti-wall street demonstrations. police say the shooting wasn't related to the protest. a wall street protester committed suicide in burlington, vermont, yesterday. the 35-year-old man shot himself to death. other protesters say he had mental health issues sprks. egypt's great pyramid was te temporarily shut down on this 11/11/11 after word some would try to hold ceremonies on the site. and 11/11/11 is a lucky day to get married in china. it is a single day record for weddings in hong kong with more than 1,000.
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well, for generations 65 has been america's traditional retiring age. but for the baby boomers it may not be realistic. >> a vast majority of boomers plan to keep working when they turn 65. financial contributor carmen juan ulrich joins us. how many people are we talking about here? >> a lot. we are talking 77 million people
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in this country. remember, only a generation before that, retirement was considered a given. we all retired. we could all take time off to golf, whatever. now 73% of boomers say el they will work in retirement. that number is up 6% just since march. so it's a shocking number. the majority of us and if you think of younger folks. again- this is what we can assume. >> 80 may be the new retirement age. >> you heard a gasp nationwide. >> that's how it looks. >> it's true. especially since march with the fluctuation of the markets. people say, all this money i once had doesn't go as far as i thought. >> in twoul we didn't have such recovery. we have short-term memory. since the poll was taken in march and then the next poll was in october before the gains of october the dow was down 10%. it's an additional big hit.
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62% of the surveyed said they took a big hit with one or many retirement vehicles. for example in terms of ira and work iras, they have lost on average 42%. 41% personal investment and real estate. we don't necessarily think about real estate as an investment. but that's something we have depended on as a foundation. 29% have lost value and equity there. >> a lot of people think of moving in retirement or moving somewhere else. all of the sudden if you have a home that's decreased in value either you can't or you get less to retire on. >> almost a third of respondents said they will have to move in retirement to downside to afford to retire. there are things you can do especially if you are close to 65. the usual plan is to withdraw 4% of the retirement savings. you've got to be more flexible
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with the plan. that's the first step. you can react and adapt to what's going on in the market. so if 4% doesn't work maybe you can go to 3% for a year. when the market recovers, go back up to 4. make sure someone runs simulations for you at least once a year to see if you are on track. also, what about your asset allocation? people think 65 is when the time bomb goes off. everything by 65. guess what? you have another 10 to 20 years, hopefully that you can keep the money, recover it, even grow some. with a ten-year window that you need the money, the money should not be exposed to the market. you have more time. make sure the assets reflect the time frame for retirement. >> another thing the poll showed was 53% of baby boomers have anxiety of not being able to live a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. why? were they not good savers? what happened? >> what about this crazy credit boom? we had a good decade or so plus where we could depend on the market going up, depend on the home increasing in value.
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that's changed. the reality has changed. you have to continue to adapt. adapt your spending and saving habits. hunker down. backup on technology. use all the technology at your disposal to cut back on costs. make sure you save automatically. those are things you can do instead of sitting back staying with the same program. >> good advice. up next, kurt loder's world of movies. >> the good, the bad and the special ones he
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welcome back to "the early show." i'm sorry. >> not at all. i was going to say this is refreshing. kurt loder doesn't mince words writing about one comedy he said, watching it is like watching a wall. then there was last year's "charlie st. cloud". >> i thought we had a deal.
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>> we do. we do have a deal. we'll meet here every day. >> and loder's review said, i'm quoting here, charlie st. cloud sees dead people which is the ideal audience for the movie. >> the former mtv host has his most entertaining reviews into a book called "the good, the bad and the god awful." who was the actor from "charlie st. cloud"? >> i don't even foe. >> not a good movie. another movie you thought was terrible was based on a "saturday night live" skit. let's look at "mcgruber." i know you love it.
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>> colonel. >> hello, mcgrubber. >> how did you find me? >> you forget, i taught you everything you foe. >> not everything, colonel. >> how can you not like that? >> what was it about the movie? >> everything. it's remarkable that it achieves anything. it's derived from a one-minute sketch stretched out to 90 minutes. why? production values are terrible. the actors. just everything about it was very bad. >> on the flip side what you define as good is "in bruge" a colin farrell movie. take a look. >> surprised you've got a gun up there. >> yeah. >> what are we gonna do? we can't stand here all night. >> why don't you both put the guns down and go home? >> don't be stupid. this is a shootout. >> what's good about that?
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>> it's the first movie directed by martin mcdunough. great story, very well written. the dialogue is wonderful. you have ralph fiennes, colin farrell and brandon gleason in it. it's shot in brussels and has a toy box fairy tale quality. more people should see it. >> you're saying that's better than "mcgruber"? >> angioplasty is better than "mcgruber". >> when you're mad, especially with an e-mail, take a break before you write. do you ever think about that. you walk out of the movie and you're so furious that it was so bad, do you pause before you write? >> you have to think about something before you write. but some movies marinate in the anger and become even more seasoned. you think, this is really bad. i see a lot of good movies, too.
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let's talk up the good as well. some movies, you hope people aren't suckered into seeing them. >> do you ever ask for your money back? >> no. you get revenge back in other ways. >> i like that you have an entire section to in this case cage movies. >> the man is a genre unto himself. he's a great actor. leaving las vegas, he's great. because of his problems with the irs. he owes them so much money he's been forced into doing terrible movies. yet he's still great in them. the tension between the two things is mesmerizing. >> how do you combine the two? how can you be such a good actor in bad movies? do you have one that you hate most that nick was in? "leaving las vegas" was every blind squirrel finds an acorn. >> "bangkok dangerous" was very bad. he was great in "kick ass". >> many people didn't see it.
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i thought it was good. do you have favorites? ones you sit back and say, god, i love this one. >> i try to highlight independent movies a lot of people haven't seen. there are pictures like "the fall" is great, "the brothers bloom" by ryan johnson is great. they don't make $100 million and they go on. you have to seek them out. >> you love "transformers," too, right? >> yeah. >> thank you, kurt. the book again is "the good, the bad and the god awful". >> time to warm up a little. we have hearty winter cooking from south beach. always hot down there. we have a perfect pairing of spicy and sweet at miami's hottest new restaurant. even the name helps you work up a sweat. 1500 degrees. it's hot. >> there is a lot of history here at the eden rock. >> from back in the day this was
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the place to be seen. the rat pack used to hang out here. >> they shot "i love lucy" here, too. >> they did. it's quite an iconic place with history. >> now your restaurant is the hot spot. >> i don't want to drag any of these. >> paula de silva came to the u.s. in 1986 with her family from brazil speaking no english. her parents opened a restaurant in massachusetts. now she's at the helm of one of the hottest restaurants in all of mime write beach, 1500 degrees. it smells so good in here. what are we making? >> today we're going to be doing some roasted pork chops with a special hickory rub that i have. roasted root vegetables, a creamy polenta and pear chutney. we'll start with the beautiful root vegetables that we have here. >> those look great. >> beautiful, right? we have radishes, beets, turnip,
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carrots. toss it with olive oil, salt, fresh black pepper. these are going to go in the oven for about 10 or 12 minutes at 350 degrees. while the vegetables are roasting, we're going with the pork chops next. >> the spice rub is made in a coffee bean grinder with smoked sea salt, a few different kinds of paprika, fennel, coriander, garlic, all kinds of good stuff. >> you want to rub it liberally with a little bit of salt as well. a little bit of black pepper. and here what we are going to do is go ahead and get it right in the broiler. >> i wish i had one of these at home. >> don't you? next we'll go ahead and move to the polenta and the pear chutney.
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>> why a pear with the pork chop? >> you know, pears are, again, in season right now. they're beautiful, very sweet on their own. to bring something sweet to the pork, you know -- >> it's a balance. >> yeah. balances it out fiesly. >> the chutney is made of pear, cinnamon stick, cayenne pepper for a miami spice and chardonnay vinegar. >> let's get it on the stove to move on to the polenta. i better make it good. >> my grandpa made it every morning. >> we'll check on the pork, pull out the veggies and i think we're ready to plate. >> best part. wow, look at them sizzle. >> they are. ready to plate it up. >> oh, look how juicy it looks. the pork chop was heavenly. pork chops get a bad rap for being dry, not this one. the hickory spice on it with the
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creamy polenta and sweet pear chutney hit every sensory taste bud in my mouth. >> awesome. thank you very much. >> so good. so good. >> nice to see some of the good restaurants in south beach for the people who frequent south beach. now they have an idea where to eat. >> it's tough. there is nothing to choose from. >> so many great restaurants. i'm going down in a few weeks. >> rub it in, chris. >> i'm going to sample some places. katie lee did a good job telling us where to eat. >> find the recipe for the pork chop and sweet pear chutney on our website. >> have a wonderful weekend. okay? >> eat something good. >> tomorrow morning on saturday. >> you will see us. >> bye-bye.
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